Box Furnace
Box Furnace
Used for heat treating, annealing, stress relieving and normalizing.
Capacity: 124 cubic feet

Brinell Tester
Brinell Tester
Used for verifying hardness.
Capacity: 10″ throat. 3,000 kg. load.

Cryogenic Freezer
Cryogenic (Low Temperature) Freezer
Used for stabilizing steel and aluminum.
Capacity: Large
Min Temp:-120° F

Used for cleaning parts while they are immersed in recyclable solvent. Our degreaser, animmersion cold-cleaningmachine, was designed specifically for Byington Steel Treating by Byington staff.
Quantity: 1

Despatch Furnaces
Despatch Furnaces
Used for such industry processes as thermal flattening, annealing, stress relieving, aging, tempering and baking.
Capacity: 12 feet x 12 feet x 8 feet(our largest oven, capable of most oversized jobs)
Max Temp: 800°F

Beaver Atmosphere Furnaces
Beaver Atmosphere Furnace
Used for multiple heat treating applications. The furnace’s heating and quenching chamber contains protective gas. Depending on the application, the gas prevents scale formation and carburization or decarburization of the workpieces; the gas also chemically modifies the surface layer of the treated components, improving such qualities as wear resistance and fatigue strength.
Quantity: 2
Capacity: 1,000 lbs each
Max Temp: 2,000° F

Hardness Testers
Hardness Tester
Used to determine exact surface hardness. We test every order to provide quality assurance.
Quantity: 6
Capacity: 10-inchthroat. A, B, C, F, 15N, 30N and 45N

Induction Machines
Induction Machine
Used to harden the surface layer of a suitable ferrous work, heating it — using electromagnetic induction — to above the upper critical temperature and immediately quenching it.
Quantity: 2

Car Bottom Furnaces
Car Bottom Furnace
Used for annealing, normalizing and stress loading of oversized workpieces. Treats alloys and stainless steel.
Capacity: 430 cubic feet
Max Temp: 2,150° F
Max Load: 35,000 lbs

Pit Furnaces
Pit Furnace
Used for nitriding and precipitation hardening of large steel parts, as well as aging and hardening of steel.
Capacity: 36-inch diameter, 5 feet deep (our high-capacity pit furnace)
Max Temp: 1,400° F

Straightening Presses
Straightening Press
Used for straightening shafts, plates and large weldments.
Quantity: 4
Max Load: 150 tons

Vacuum Furnaces
Vacuum Furnace
Used for hardening and annealing stainless and tool steels and for achieving a fine bright finish thatcan eliminate polishing and grinding.
Quantity: 3
Capacity: 7.5–80 cubic feet
Max Temp: 2,200° F
Max Load:4,000 lbs